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1. KAIEERS鞋品宣传文案

世家名鞋 绅秋物语
World Famous Shoes • Gentle Autumn Words

Wafting wind as notes dances with falling leaves. A drifting leave pictures and harvests a plentiful fall.

Love autumn, love you, for your connotation, stoutness, diligence and quiet; also your fervency, handsome, elegance and mercy…
Love you, love Kaieers. All calm and poised threads, as your quietness and connotation; all fantastic styles and types, as your care at an instant return, warm enough for a lifetime.

Gentle in a flash; taste in life and fashion from look…a real life for men from Kaieers

Men • Deep Taste of Life

Pure coffee, sweet tea, soft music

For this, relax and be calm

Kaieers tastes life and touches success

Kaieers business leisure, active life, easy living

Men • Calm Look

Fashion is an attitude

Feel the fashion, feel the meaning of life.

Fashion is a view

Pursue the fashion, long for the loftiness of ideal.

Kaiees leads fashion, to the peak of a man

Kaieers embraces leisure, freely all the way…


Bridge County, standing out in all villas

Villa expert, 13 years’ building experience, 2223 architecture masterpieces
Bridge County, unprecedented villas for Chengdu by Longfor, exceeding your expectation
With invaluable natural landscape of one mountain and two rivers, Bridge County to King all peers
Bridge County, supreme classic admired by all


A fertile land at the south of the “Land of Abundance” was ruled by Zhang Fei in Shu Han, a famous politician with an ambition to control the whole ancient China then. Later, the offspring named there “Muma Mountains”, riding on horseback in Chinese meaning, to express their admiration for this hero. Longfor • Bridge County, with Longfor’s 13 years experience in villa, makes a home here and opens a times of villa masterpiece in Chengdu after three years’ anneal, nicely matching the splendid mountain view.


Boasting one river is the gift of god, what amazing is the meeting of two rivers. Longfor • Bridge County, surrounded by mountains and rivers, has marvelous quiet environment, and the meeting of Yangliu River and Nianhe River—3000m meandering elegant beauty of rivers, 6000m zigzagging natural banks, crossing water systems on the land, collect all natural gifts in one villa.

【Outstanding villa】

Detached villa, the ideal place to live in, the most complete earth value, especially rare. Longfor • Bridge County, British manorial detached villa made by hand, with 0.31 plot ratio, a combination of island, stream bank and hill villas. Leading visual field and different shapes show its openness, to satisfy your deep throb and desire for a private space.


In the planning beginning of Longfor • Bridge County, the big trees and forests have been precisely measured and analyzed according to species, growing status, earth and nutrient, so as to keep the vegetation and environment as their original looks. Besides, lots of rare trees have been transported here from the Longfor nurseries in Chengdu and other areas of China to diversify the tree categories. Only such carefully designed gardens can vitalize this villa.


倾尽龙湖十数载别墅功力,特邀EKISTICS Town Planning Inc作环境规划设计单位,建筑设计,则出自享誉加拿大豪宅设计的大师级人物Raymond Bontor。全球智慧历时两年碰撞融汇,达观而肇,只为礼成一个圈层私有的稀世奢华。
With more than 10 years’ villa experience, Longfor specially invites EKISTICS Town Planning Inc as the environment planning & design organization. On the design of architecture, Raymond Bontor, a well-known master for luxurious residence design in Canada, has made the great contribution. Integrated with the worldwide wisdom through two years, the villa is only for a rare private luxury.

3. 武隆旅游景点


As one part of world natural heritage, Fairy Mountain is a national forest park, a national AAAA scenic spot and a national geographic park. It has an area of over 400 square meters and an altitude of over 1,900 meters. With an altitude of 2,033 meters, its main peak is the highest in Wulong, with highest temperature in a year of around 22℃. In 1999, Fairy Mountain was authorized the name “National Forest Park” with planning area of 6,591.17 hectares. The 100,000 mu vast pasture looks like a fairy picture with cotton-like meadow, carpet-like green grass and shallow hillock connecting to the plain. Fairy Mountain is known as “South China Pasture”, “Oriental Switzerland” and “Summer Palace for Chongqing”. On Fairy Mountain, you can enjoy horse racing, toxophily, skiing, grass skiing, shooting, hunting and exotic Mongolian theme performance, as well as marvelous natural and humanistic landscapes such as Fairy Stone, Babel Tower and Buddha Stone.


    传说天庭中的一名仙女听说仙女山景色优美,偷偷跑到仙女山游玩 ,被王母娘娘知道罚她为凡间做一件好事,她俯视仙女山大地,发现仙女山严重缺水,人们和牲畜饮水困难,因此决定牺牲自己,用自己的身躯化做一汪清水,永远留在仙女山,这就是仙女池。
Legend says that there was a fairy in the Court of Heaven. She was attracted by the marvelous scenery on Fairy Mountain and privately traveled there. Later she was punished by Queen Mother to do a good thing for the mortal world. She looked down the ground and found that Fairy Mountain was lack of water, people and livestock all had no water to drink, so she sacrificed her body to be a pool of water that is the Fairy Pool now.


Long ago, there was a poor cowboy inhe grazed and mowed grass for rich man to pay for his father’s debt. One day, he picked up a piece of gorgeous clothing in a place called Qingshuitang. A youthful beauty shyly came to him and said that was her clothing, so the cowboy immediately gave it back to her. Later, that girl came to the mountain and married the cowboy, helping him to graze and sew clothing. When the rich man knew the girl, he wanted to marry her. As a fairy, she, together with the cowboy, killed the rich man with a trick. Later, she became a rocky peak standing erectly on the top of the cliff. That’s our fairy, a symbol for eliminating evil for hundreds of years.


小耕坝的边缘处,有一独石峰屹立于草场凹地之上,形如慈眉善目的菩萨,每年都有成百上千的游人去烧纸化钱以求神灵保佑,这就是享有盛名的“菩萨坨”。 “石菩萨”之下有一土台,平整规则,正好可以作为求神者焚香跪拜之用。奇妙的是,旁边有一汪水泉,水质清洁,一尘不染,而且年不枯不荣,人称“圣水”,凡来此烧香拜佛的人,都争着接水。据说,喝了这水能治百病。近年,随着仙女山旅游业的日益繁荣,菩萨坨的香火也越来越旺盛,宗教气氛随之浓烈起来,如若遇上药神升天的那一日,上山朝拜的人更多,熙来攘往,好似集市一般的热闹。
At the edge of the small tillage, there is a rocky peak standing erectly at the valley of pasture. It looks like a kind Pusa (Buddha). Every year, hundreds of people will go there to pray for the God’s blessing. That’s the famous “Buddha Stone”. There is an orderly flat under the stone Pusa for praying and worshiping. It’s so strange that, near that flat, there is a pool of clear spring which will never dry up. It’s called “Holy Water” that can cure any diseases. In recent years, with the flourish of tourism industry of Fairy Mountain, Buddha Stone is also very popular and full of religious characteristics. On the day Medicine God ascending to heaven, there are more prayers.

Furong Cave Introduction

Furong Cave is the best cave in the world and the most beautiful underground scenery. As the world heritage, it’s a national 4A scenic spot, national key scenic spot, national geological park, and the only world heritage cave in China. As a marvelous underground natural palace, it has more than 70 kinds of Karst cave sediments in the 2 kilometers long tour path. It has been listed in the world's top three caves along with Mammoth Cave in the United States and the Clamouse Cave in France.

Scenic Spot Name Boards in Furong Cave

1.祥瑞迎宾 Guest-Greeting Hall

2.松柏会仙 A Fairyland with “Pine and Cypress”          

3. 盾山 Shield-shaped Mountain

4.莲花观音 Guanyin on Lotus Flower

5.海底龙宫 Dragon King’s Palace              

6.艺术长廊 Natural Gallery 

7.一夫当关 One Man at the Pass

8.万剑挂壁 Thousands of Arrows

9.巨幕飞瀑 Curtain-like Waterfall

10.生命之源 Origin of Life

11.大小雁塔 Large and Small Wild Goose Pagodas

12.火箭待发 Count-down Rocket 

13. 动物世界 Animal World

14.水晶宫 Crystal Palace 

15.珊瑚瑶池 Corel Pool

16.擎天玉柱 Skyscraping Pillar

17.玉门关 Yumenguan Pass                

18.金銮宝殿 Royal Hall

19.石花之王 Stone Flower King


Chongqing is a renowned cultural city with a long history. Far more than 20,000 years ago, in the Paleolithic Age, human activity began on this land. Until the Neolithic Age, there were primitive villages inhabited by eight nationalities, such as the Yi, Pu and Ju people. These early Chongqing residents created the most ancient history and civilization of Chongqing.

During the period of the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties (about 3,000-4,000 years ago), the slave-owning tribal alliances generally called the “Ba” nation had strongly developed widely in the core areas of Chongqing. References to them have been found in ancient Chinese characters carved on tortoise shells or animal bones.

The name of Chongqing, originally called Ba, has been changed many times in history.

In the 5th year of the Emperor Shenjing of the Zhou Dynasty (316 BC), Qin overthrew the original Ba nation and set up a new administration, which retained the Ba name. In the 26th year of the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221 BC), the country was subdivided into 36 counties, and Ba County, one of the 36 counties, was established. In the Han Dynasty, Ba County was called Jiangzhou. And in Wei, Jin and Southern & Northern Dynasties, it was renamed as Jingzhou, Yizhou, Bazhou and Chuzhou.

In the 1st year of the Emperor Wendi of the Sui Dynasty (581), since the city was surrounded by Yushui (old name of the Jialing River), its name was changed from Chuzhou to Yuzhou. That’s why the Chinese sometimes refer to Chongqing as “Yu”.

With the Song Dynasty, the prefecture (Yuzhou) got the new name of Gongzhou. In the 16th year of the Emperor Xiaozong (Chunxi) of the Song Dynasty (1,189), Zhao Chun became Prince Gong, and administered the prefecture, later succeeding to the throne as Emperor Guangzong of the Southern Song Dynasty. To celebrate his double fortune, the emperor changed Gongzhou to Chongqing Fu (“prefecture of double celebration”). So far Chongqing has kept the name for over 800 years.

From the Qin Dynasty on, Chongqing has been organized into different administrative bodies, such as a county, a state, a city, and a province. After the Xinhai Revolution in 1921, Chongqing became a commercial port supervision office. In 1929, Chongqing was established as a city. On May 5, 1935, ordered by the Kuomintang (KMT) government, Chongqing became a municipality directly under the central government. After the Anti-Japanese War broke out, the KMT government moved westward to Chongqing, and Chongqing became the wartime capital in November 1937. In 1940, Chongqing officially became the temporary capital of China.

After its liberation on November 30, 1949, Chongqing became the station of the Southwest Military Political Commission and a municipality directly under the central government. It was put under the administration of Sichuan Province in July 1954 and became a city directly under the province level. In 1983, Chongqing became the first city in China which enjoys provincial-level economic management authority. On March 14, 1997, the Chinese National People's Congress examined and approved the proposal to set Chongqing as a municipality directly under the central government. On June 18, 1997, Chongqing formally became a municipality. With a population of 30.97 million, Chongqing has become China’s largest and most populous city. Although there are over 40 ethnic minorities, like the Tujia and Miao, the Han nationality is still the main people of Chongqing.

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