Physical parameters:
挡土墙类型: 抗震区挡土墙
Type of retaining wall: retaining walls used in anti-seismic areas
墙后填土内摩擦角: 27.491(度)
Internal friction angle of filling behind the retaining wall: 27.491°
墙后填土粘聚力: 0.000(kPa)
Cohesion of filling behind the retaining wall: 0.000 kPa
墙后填土容重: 18.900(kN/m3)
Volume weight of filling behind the retaining wall: 18.900 kN/m3
墙背与墙后填土摩擦角: 13.500(度)
Angle of friction between wall back and filling behind walls: 13.500°
地震烈度: 设计烈度8度
Seismic intensity: designed intensity 8
水上地震角: 3.00
Seismic angle above water: 3.00
水下地震角: 5.00
Seismic angle under water: 5.00
水平地震系数: 0.20
Horizontal seismic cofficient: 0.20
铁路等级: 1级铁路
Railway classification: Level 1 railway
土压力计算方法: 库仑
Calculation method of soil pressure: Coulomb